- how snow flakes form
- why snow melt shows typical patterns
- the differences between snow and ice
- why heat flux through snow and ice differ
- which parameters are important for the energy and mass balance
of a glacier
- how temperature influences the flow of glaciers
- why the occurrence of permafrost and glaciers depends on continentality
- name 3 influences of snow on the biotic environment
- find the reasons for different snow distribution patterns
- estimate the duration of snow cover in a specific region
- list what snow contains
- distinguish snow age and content by its density
- estimate how much radiation penetrates into snow under changing
- draw ice covered areas and different ice types onto a world
- explain how the freezing process works and how a specific ice
form has developed
- interpret a creep curve
- recognize global change influences on permafrost and glaciers
- describe the impact of the changing state of glaciers and permafrost
on the alpine environment