- talik
- A layer or body of unfrozen ground occurring in a permafrost area due to a local anomaly in thermal, hydrological, hydrogeological, or hydrochemical conditions
- talus
- An accumulation of unstable rock fragments below steep slopes. The fragments are sorted by gravity with the largest ones situated at the bottom.
- taxon
- A taxonomic unit (e.g. a species, genus)
- taxonomy
- Field of biology that deals with the definition, description and classification of living organisms
- Tethys ocean
- A large sea separating Gondwanaland (extensive Southern hemisphere supercontinent) and Laurasia (Northern hemisphere supercontinent) during the Mesozoic era
- thermal conductivity
- The quantity of heat that will flow through a unit area of a substance in unit time under a unit temperature gradient
- till
- Unstratified glacial drift deposited directly by the ice and consisting of clay, sand, gravel, and boulders intermingled in any proportion
- transhumance
- The migration of human populations with animal herds following the course of the season
- treeline
- The upper climate driven elevational limit of groups of trees of at least 3 m height, disregarding isolated individuals that may be found at even higher elevation
- trichome
- Hair
- turgor
- Cell pressure