Planned series of sessions on cognitive visualization issues at the ICC 2015 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Aug. 23-28, 2015.
Planned 2-day pre-conference workshop in Curitiba (BRA), at the ParanĂ¡ Federal University (UFPR), Aug. 20-21, 2015, just before ICC in Rio, Aug. 23-28, 2015; in conjunction with the ICA Commissions on Geovisualization and Use and User Issues (UUI). The workshop call and registration information for both workshops is available here. Direct access to content of W1: Designing and Conducting User Studies & W2: Envisioning the Future of Cartographic Research.
A series of sessions on cognitive visualization issues at the ICC 2013 in Dresden. These papers were selected from a record number of submissions. Check out the ICC 2013 conference program here. Notes from the CogVis business meeting are available here.
Panel on Cartography & GIScience on Sep. 18., the overlapping day of AutoCarto / GIScience, exploring future research questions / research challenges with international scholars from Cartography, GIScience, Information Science, and Cognitive Science. The panel will be followed by the GIScience Welcome reception. Further information about the event can be found here.
Pre-conference workshop on Experimental Methods at AutoCarto (Sep. 16-18) / GIScience (Sep. 18-21), back-to-back and co-located in Columbus (OH, USA), Sep. 16-21, 2012; in conjunction with the ICA Commission on Use and User Issues. Call for participation can be found here and the workshop program is available here.
The Workshop consisted of 4 modules:
.. Module 1a | Methods and techniques of use, user and usability research in geo-information processing and dissemination
(Kristien Ooms & Corné van Elzakker)
.. Module 1b | Improving the usability of pedestrian navigation systems (Ioannis Delikostidis & Corné van Elzakker)
.. Module 2 | Designing your user study or experiment (Amy Griffin)
.. Module 3 | Research instrument integrity (Amy Lobben)
.. Module 4 | Working with the card sorting method (Robert Roth)
Please cite these materials appropriately should you peruse them in any form.