The overall goals of the new Commission on Cognitive Issues in Geographic
Information Visualization (CogVis)
from 2011-2015 will be to:
- promote the awareness of cognitive issues in cartography, developing
human-centered cartographic theory and practice based on sound empirical findings
on the use of cartographic displays for spatio-temporal inference and
- define short and medium term research goals that address key issues associated
with building a sound theoretical base to support the construction and use of
cognitively adequate and perceptually salient visual displays of geographic
Specific envisioned research foci will include (but are not limited to):
- empirical geovisualization design research (2-3D, static, animated and
interactive, virtual and immersive, mobile, etc.)
- the application of cognitive theories and methods to understanding visuo-spatial
displays and tool use for inference and decision-making (including mental maps,
space-time behavior, navigation, etc.)
- the application of visuo-spatial displays and tools to understanding spatial cognition
- spatial reasoning, inference and decision making with visuo-spatial displays and tools
- cognitive principles supporting human-visualization interaction research
- Encourage interdisciplinary and international collaboration with cognate
disciplines and relevant stakeholders, including other ICA commissions and working
- Organize sessions at the 2013 and 2015 ICC Conferences that focus on cognitive
processes associated with using maps and interactive geovisual analytical systems.
- Organize annual meetings of the commission, in conjunction with the ICC and other
relevant conferences, with an attempt to co-locate commission meetings with those
put on by the Geovisualization, Use and User Issues and Map Design commissions to
facilitate interaction and knowledge sharing with these other commissions.
- Disseminate the findings of our annual meetings through an up-to-date Commission
website, and peer-reviewed scholarly outlets such as, edited books, collection of
high quality articles in special issues of journals, etc. at least every second
- Proactively seek out the involvement of and recruit young researchers interested
in the Commission's work by including opportunities for training at our annual
events (e.g., workshops on eye-tracking, experimental methods, neuroimaging, etc).
- Maintain a website for electronic dissemination of research on
Commission-relevant issues