Alpine fauna: habitats and adaptations

Mammal biodiversity

Biodiversity in the alpine area of the selected mountains
Locality European Alps Ethiopian Highlands Snowy Mountains
Monotremata - - 1
Marsupialia - - 5 (1)*
Insectivora 5 4 (4) -
Primata - 1 (1) -
Lagomorpha 1 1 (1) 1
Rodentia 8 (1) 16 (10) 2
Artiodactyla 4 (1) 6 (2) -
Carnivora 5 5 (1) 1
Hyracoidea - 1 -

Total species 23 (2) 34 (19) 10 (1)

* number of endemic species in parentheses


The number of species, as well as the species composition, vary greatly among the different mountain regions. The Snowy Mountains of Australia show species from the order of Monotremata and Marsupialia exclusively, while primates occur only in the Ethiopian Highlands. In the European Alps and the Ethiopian Highlands the Rodents are the dominant order, however the Ethiopian Highlands harbour many endemic species.

In this unit we will focus on the similarities between these mountain regions and their fauna. We will present alpine habitats that are present in high altitudes of all the regions and we will show adaptations to the alpine habitats that were similar for alpine animals around the world.

In the following lesson "Alpine fauna: origin of species composition" we focus on the development of the different compositions of species in the different mountain regions.


A detailed list of the mammal species from the above mentioned mountain regions, including common names, scientific names, habitat and nutrition, is available download (102K).



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29 August 2011
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