Visit the alpine

Andes: Chile

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In the mediterranean climate of central Chile mountains are heavily packed by snow during winter and usually experience a bright summer. The treeline is formed by Nothofagus species often mixed with bamboo.



1 - The treeline ecotone built by Nothofagus sp. (Fagaceae) at ca. 1800 m.


2 - Bamboo (Chusquea culeou, Poaceae) on volcanic gravel and cinders.


3 - A green orchid: Chlorea af. alpina (Orchidaceae) (1950 m).


4 - Ephedra sp. (Ephedraceae)


5 - Hypochoeris sp. (Asteraceae)


6 - Cryptantha sp. (Boraginaceae)


7 - Armeria sp. (Plumbaginaceae)


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29 August 2011
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