The present lesson will provide
a brief outline of approaches used and attempts made to quantitatively
model the chain of mass exchange processes. It will also give an overview
of the main soil types in mountainous areas and the factors influencing
the evolution of soils.
Mass transportation in cold mountain
areas takes place at a rather steady rate in the form of small-scale rock
falls, snow avalanches, glacier movement, permafrost creep, solifluction
and river flow. Large-scale rock falls, landslides, floods and debris
flows, however, reflect more rarely occurring extreme events (Figure 1).
In the context of the present overview, the term "cold mountain area"
is applied to the periglacial and glacial belts of regions with a rugged
topography and considerable altitudinal extent. Within long time intervals
such as the Holocene or the Quaternary, even low-frequency/high-magnitude
events are part of a dynamic equilibrium and thereby represent a basic
risk for life, settlements and installations in cold mountain areas. The
main question is whether and, if yes, to what extent this historic situation
has changed already and may chang further in the future.
During the past few decades, the most remarkable changes in cold mountain
geomorphology have largely been caused by the increased human activities
with respect to traffic, communication, hydropower production, tourism,
military defense, hazard protection, etc. as well as by the fast icemelt
due to rising atmospheric temperatures. The coming decades could see an
acceleration of this tendency leading to the development of conditions
without historic or holocene precedent. Such a scenario would affect all
parts of the highly sensitive cold mountain ecosystem (e.g. hydrological
cycle, cryosphere components, growth conditions, landscape appearance).
It would also demand that developmental planning no longer be based on
historical/empirical knowledge but rather on an improved understanding
of the involved processes in combination with robust models applicable
to practical cases.