- explain the scales of frost weathering and rock falls
see "Frost Weathering and Cliff
Recession, figure 1"
- explain, how the different mass movements processes influence their
see "Global Change, figure 1"
- explain possible influences of global change on each of the mass movement
see "Global Change
- explain how disturbances influence alpine soil development and what
kind of disturbances exist
Influence of disturbances: Generally, disturbances
retard soil development or even put the clock back to zero, so that
soil development starts again, e.g. after a rock fall. But sometimes,
e.g. after a change to a warmer climate, soils develop faster than before
Kind of disturbances: climate change, mass movements (rock fall,
landslides, glacier or fluvial deposits, solifluction, volcanic deposits,
etc.), human impact, disturbance by animals, etc.
- explain the influence of the main soil formation factors on soil development.
Answer: See Overview of mountain soils
- The present soils are sometimes relicts. How can this be explained?
Present soils may have developed under different
climate conditions. The well developed podzols at high elevation in
the Alps, for example, seem to be relicts of warmer temperatures during
the Early Holocene Climatic Optimum.
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