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The project - "Electricity Mix in the World"

Research questions

The aim of this project is to tackle the following questions:


Electricity (or “power”) is just one component of total energy consumption. The other two parts are transport and heating, which we are not taking into account in this project. To answer our research questions with the help of an interactive map, we used two global data sets from the "U.S. Energy Information Administration". One is net electricity consumption per country and the other is the distribution of electricity consumption based on different production methods. Both data sets include changes over time. To make electricity production dependent on the number of inhabitants, we used a dataset with the number of inhabitants per country for the last 20 years from "Our world in Data". The data sets are very comprehensive from a global point of view. The two electricity data sets from the "U.S. Energy Information Administration" have large gaps in the year 2019. Furthermore, the global energy statistics are compiled at the country level.

Interactive map and plots


Many countries have signed climate agreements such as the one in Copenhagen or Paris, confirming that they are switching their electricity production to renewable energy sources (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2009). Our map shows how consumption and the type and quantity of production have changed worldwide in the last 20 years. It further highlights how individual countries are doing globally in terms of absolute consumption and production, as well as per capita. Clear representations should show the population how countries are adapting their electricity production.