GEO878 - Geovisualization, Departement of Geography, University Zurich
This Website was created in connection with the Module GEO 878 of the University of Zurich during the spring semester 2016. The aim of this course was to broaden and deepen the understanding of geographic information visualization, which is one of the key competences in geographic information science (GIS). While the lectures provided necessary theoretical knowledge of the topic, the labratories were used to guide the students through the application of the theories and methods which were illustrated during the lectures. The learning objectives of the laboratory were the following:
The formulation of a reasearch question as well as the creation of functional web page in order to depict the solution were part of the final project. The 17 UN sustainable development goals served as an orientation basis for the formulation of the research question. This question had to be answered using geographic information visualization techniques. The results of the labratories as well as the end projects are shown on this web page, giving valuable insights into the learning achievments and knowledge level of the group members.
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