- Which functional orders (herbivores, carnivores,...) of invertebrates
are pioneer in alpine primary succession? Are there differences from
those in the lowland?
Because of external food entry, carnivores are pioneer
in alpine succession. In the lowland, plants are followed by herbivores
and only then predators appear. For further details see: development
of food chains
- What difference is found in the species composition of alpine decomposers
in comparison to the lowland?
The lowland decomposer community is dominated by
earth worms (Lumbricidae), while alpine decomposers include fly larvae
(Diptera), white worms (Enchytraeidae) and millipedes (Diplopoda).
For further details see: decomposers
- Name different carnivore strategies.
Prey for small mammals (weasel, semian fox) vs. prey
for large mammals (wolf)
Avtive hunt in burrows (weasel) vs. above ground hunt (red fox)
For further details see: carnivores
- Why is the African carnivore bird guild diverser than that of South
Because of a higher prey diversity (high diversity
of rodents).
For further details see: supply & demand
- What are differences between lowland and alpine food webs?
Grassland food webs do not differ very much in different
elevations. In sparse habitats, alpine food webs are short and sometimes
For further details see: supply & demand
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