ALPECOLe: References

References for B11: Clonal growth and longevity in alpine plants

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Published documents

Erschbamer B (1996) Growth dynamics and nutrient content of the alpine sedge Carex curvula subsp. Rosae, on different soils. Flora 1991: 121-129

Jonsdottir IS, Callaghan TV, Headley AD (1996) Resouce dynamics within arctic clonal plants. Ecological Bulletins 45: 53-64

Jonsdottir IS, Watson MA (1997) Physiological integration in resource-poor environments. In: de Kroon H, van Groenendael J (eds) The Ecology and Evolution of Clonal Plants. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp 109-136

Klimes L, Klimesova J, Hendriks R, van Groenendael J (1997) Clonal plant architecture: a comparative analysis of form and function. In: de Kroon H, van Groenendael J (eds) The ecology and evolution of clonal plants. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, pp 1-29

de Kroon H, Schieving F (1990) Clonal Growth in Plants: Regulation and Function. SPB Academic Publishing

Pluess AR & Stöcklin J, 2004. Population genetic diversity of the clonal plant Geum reptans (Rosaceae) in the Swiss Alps. Am J Bot 91:2013-2021

Stearns SC (1976) Life history tactics: a review of the ideas. Q Rev Biol 51:3?42

Steinger T, Körner Ch (1996) Long-term persistence in a changing climate: DANN analysis suggests very old ages of clones of alpine Carex curvula. Oecologia 105: 94-99

Stöcklin J, Favre P (1994) Effects of plant size and morphological constraints on variation in reproductive components in two related species of Epilobium. Journal of Ecology 82: 735-746

Stöcklin J (1992) Umwelt, Morphologie und Wachstumsmuster klonaler Pflanzen - eine Übersicht. Botanica Helvetica 102: 3-21

Weppler T, Stöcklin J (2004) Variation of sexual and clonal reproduction in the alpine Geum reptans in contrasting altitudes and successional stages. Basic Appl Ecol 6:305-316


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