The subalpine (subalpine means: forest tundra ecotone) zone is characterized
by severe environmental conditions (large temperature fluctuations, high
radiation, snow and ice, dry atmosphere, short growing period, poor soils,
shallow substrate, denudation). Subalpine coniferous forests and trees
are well adapted on this environment (altitudinal zonation, forest and
tree limit). In the Swiss Alps, c. 14 dominant upper montane and subalpine
forest communities of coniferous tree species can be distinguished.
Trees are indicators of environmental conditions and their growth is
determined by several external influences. The harsh conditions within
the short vegetation period at the alpine upper forest limit during the
lifetime of a tree are reflected both in the shape of the tree and in
its tree rings.
An extensive set of viable seeds and their far-ranging dispersal by
wind or animals to safe growing sites are prerequisites for tree and forest
regeneration. The seeds successfully gemlinate and establish as seedlings,
when their microenvironment and -climate is suitable, and disturbance
by pathogen is absent. Both the set of viable seeds and successful germination
vary considerably between years, which restrain and decelerate regeneration
of subalpine forests.In subalpine forests, disturbance by natural hazards
such as avalanches or rockfall playa decisive role for forest dynamics
and occurrence.
Alpine forests and most other mountain forests of the world have been
exploited since Middle Ages or earlier (clearcutting, grazing, alpine
pastures); this has led to a marked lowering of the forest limit of several
hundreds metres.