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Table of contents
Table of contents
OLwA - Online-Leitfaden für wissenschaftliches Arbeiten
The academic research process
The purpose of academic research and writing
The process of academic research
Topic selection, posing problems and questions
Theory, hypothesis, and operationalization
Data collection and data analysis
Organization and project management
Basic principles of projects
The concept of phases
Literature research and application
Literature search
Searching in library catalogs
Search options in electronic journals
Search options in libraries and databases
Use of literature
Writing an academic paper
Requirements regarding academic papers
Formal structure of papers
Quotations and references
Creating a bibliography
Writing coaching
How do I create a good poster?
The poster-a special form of presentation
Advantages and disadvantages of posters
What should a good poster look like?
Structure and types of posters
Presenting posters
Assessment criteria for posters
Further reading
Presentation skills
Introduction: «Presentation skills»
Preparing for a presentation
General information on presentations
Learning techniques and exam preparation
Introduction: «Learning techniques and exam preparation»
Learning approaches
Organization when learning
Attitude when taking an exam
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